
Here we GO

I personally still can't believe James is home but he is here and is taller broader then i am, nevertheless, i will be enjoying these days as much as possible. the family is getting together today and tomorrow for this whole occasion of having James home again!


James! he's what is new

he is coming home wedn. the 9th of sept.
so congrats to the 2 years of service and may his years being home be worth it.



yesterday we had the Phillips family reunion! it was great to see them again; while the week before we got the Eisert family to come and enjoyed their company as well! i do hope that we can eventually get pictures so you can enjoy the event as well. and have a happy Sabbath today!


Feb. 24, 2009

Today, I've been sitting at home and went to my blog, at the center of the heart, and have typed up some things that have solidified my understanding of why we must turn to the Lord in all things, and so i leave it up to you what things will you personally solidify in your heart? but i do hope it will be the gospel.


My first blog. Wahoo.

So I am blogging. Pretty much the most exciting thing ever. Umm... nothing much is happening right now. Just trying to keep up with my schooling and everything that the teachers expect of us. I started a job at the Rexburg Opinion Center, we don't sell anything but we do call to get surveys filled out for companies. So if you ever get a call from GFK from NOP, an opinion center from New York City... then that is us. We get paid more for all of the surveys that we complete. So if you have time that would be great.
I haven't been on a single date up here. But that is really ok because I am busy enough as it is. A lot of girls that I know came up here to find a man... which is one of the stupidest reasons ever because practically every guy up here is already married, engaged, a pre-missionary or is socially unexceptable. Ok that last one isn't really true. But all of the guys that are avaliable are a little..... not my type. Thank goodness when I go home there are some sane guys that are willing to give me a chance. But they all still need to go on their mission.... *sigh*. Oh well.
So this is my first blog. Hoped you enjoyed it.